1.1.A. I installing. You will need access to the Hosting Control Panel. It is understood that you already have a domain name and hosting. 1.1.B. Self-installing. I provide a link to download the archive and a coupon code, (Akeeba backup) for self-installation. (After installation, you will need access to the Site Control Panel to activate the Elementor Pro License)
2.1.A. I installing. You will need access to the Hosting Control Panel. It is understood that you already have a domain name and hosting. 2.1.B. Self-installing. I provide a link to download the archive and a coupon code, (Akeeba backup) for self-installation. (After installation, you will need access to the Site Control Panel to activate the Elementor Pro and Astra Pro Licenses)
3.1.A. I installing. You will need access to the Hosting Control Panel. It is understood that you already have a domain name and hosting. 3.1.B. Self-installing. I provide a link to download the archive and a coupon code, (Akeeba backup) for self-installation. (After installation, you will need access to the Site Control Panel to activate the Elementor Pro, JetElements and Kava Theme licenses)
Transaction and comment or PM, specify the preferred Option, (example: "3.1.B." or "2.1.A." and access, (login, password) in the Hosting Control Panel and weburl)
1.5 Beiträge, Themen etc. sind in Deutsch zu schreiben. Andere Sprachen sind nicht erwünscht und werden gelöscht. Ausgenommen davon sind Auszüge aus Scripten, Games, Changelogs, Crash-Reports etc. welche häufig in Englisch verfasst sind.